Breathwell as a subscription
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Det finns 30 näsplåster i ditt paket. Ta bort ett plåster och öppna försiktigt förpackningen. Se till att du bara rör kanterna när du tar bort skyddsfilmen så att du inte skadar den vidhäftande ytan. Placera Breathwell-plåstret på den nedre halvan av näsan. Viktigt: Se till att näsan är ren och helt torr innan så att remsan fäster optimalt. Tryck hårt på ändarna av plåstret för att fixera limmet - vi rekommenderar 5-8 sekunders lätt tryck. Nu kan du andas fritt!
The arch mechanism in Breathwell's nasal strips causes the nostrils to dilate so that more oxygen can be taken in. This can help improve sleep, sports performance and concentration.
Breathing through the nose leads to more efficient oxygen uptake compared to breathing through the mouth. This increases the oxygen saturation in the cells, which gives the body more energy. In addition, nasal breathing results in slower and deeper breathing, which reduces stress and promotes relaxation.

You're breathing wrong
And even up to 30,000 times a day
Unfavorable breathing patterns can lead to poor sleep, rapid fatigue and reduced performance. With Breathwell you will find the solution for an energetic start to the day!

Why Breath Well works
The bend mechanism in the Freeway nose strips widens the nostrils. This allows more oxygen to be taken in. Increased oxygen supply can lead to improved sleep, better performance in sports and better concentration.
Sleep better and stop snoring
Thanks to the improved air flow, Breathwell promotes nasal breathing, which means that impurities, dust and microorganisms are filtered through the nose hairs and do not enter the body. Mouth breathing, on the other hand, offers no such protection, which can lead to dry mouth, increased susceptibility to infection, snoring and restless sleep.

Better performance in sports
With improved oxygen delivery, you can train longer and more intensely, increasing your performance and helping you reach your training goals faster.
More focus on work
Whether you spend long hours at your desk, have to solve complex tasks or simply want to concentrate on your work, our Freeways are your faithful companions.

What customers say about Breathwell

Frequently asked questions
Breathwell nasal strips gently lift the nostrils to widen the nasal passages and thus optimize the air flow. This makes breathing easier and reduces nasal congestion, which is especially beneficial when sleeping or during sports activities.
Yes, Breathwell nasal strips can be used every night without any problems. They are designed for regular use and can help improve sleep quality by relieving snoring and nasal congestion.
You can use them every day and even several times a day without hesitation.
You can wear the nose strip as long as you want, whether it is 10 hours when you sleep or 2 hours when you exercise, you can also use Breathwell several times a day, as in the previous answer.
Yes, Breathwell nasal strips can help reduce snoring by improving airflow through the nasal passages, which can alleviate some of the causes of snoring.
Breathwell nasal strips are generally safe to use for most people. However, if you have sensitive skin or allergies, it is advisable to test the strip on a small area of skin before using it completely on your nose. If you have certain health conditions, e.g. asthma or COPD, you should consult a doctor or specialist before using Breathwell.
Breathwells work purely mechanically from the outside and contain no active medical ingredients. This makes them particularly suitable for use on children.
Breathwell does not contain medicines or other substances that clear the nose. It works through a special arc mechanism that gently widens the airways and makes breathing easier.